Where is the quiet, soul-restoring water? Even tears have deserted me. More…

In a Moment, Turn
I want to hold you, bend low and press my ear where it hurts, and listen. More…

Past the Walls and into the World: Visual Arts During the Pandemic
How do we reframe the use of our God-given gifts when all of our familiar ways of giving are taken away? This is the question all artists have been struggling with in the current pandemic. New and amazing avenues are presenting themselves. I awoke with an urgent prompting of an idea that seemed to come out of nowhere but, in fact, was sourced from a question that had been brewing since the start of the pandemic. More…
Volume 32, Number 2, Fall 2020

J. I. Packer, John Bunyan, and Me
It was an enormous privilege to have served with Dr. Packer for a few of his many years at Regent. Our deep caring about the writings of John Bunyan and the seventeenth century. Puritans created a bond between Dr. Packer and me, and as I open my copy of one of his smallest books, The Pilgrim’s Principles: John Bunyan Revisited(St. Antholin’s Lectureship Charity Lecture, 1999) I find an inscription in his spidery handwriting, a blend of cursive and printed letters:“To Maxine Hancock, who also cares for Bunyan, from Jim Packer.” More…