Discovering a Unique Vocation
Amy Caswell Bratton
When I arrived at Regent College, I assumed that after my studies were complete I would find a full-time job related to my degree. I assumed I would be working in response to the calling that prompted me to study theology. In hindsight, it feels a little naive to remember how simplistically I viewed my complex calling. More…

Complicated Comfort
Susie Colby
In the year since a worldwide pandemic was declared, grief has arrived like an uninvited guest and taken up residence in our homes, social circles, workplaces, and churches. Grief is most acute for those whose loved ones have died, yet grief accompanies most every loss—and this year so much has been lost. Like the knitting yarn many of us have picked up in a year of new and revisited hobbies, grief is a thread that connects all the losses of our lifetimes. Grief over a fresh loss tugs at older griefs until the sense of unravelling may become overwhelming. No two griefs are the same just as no two people grieve and experience grief in the same way, but grief is universal. Everyone grieves. More…

On Learning to Journey Alongside
Christina Lui
Regent Exchange is committed to learning together with our cohort churches. Nothing highlighted our need to live into this commitment more than the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. As our cohort churches journey together, the Regent Exchange team is engaged in a similar process. Academic institutions don’t typically operate this way. Schools develop curriculum, then teach it. Wash. Rinse. Repeat. Yet our desire at Regent Exchange is to learn alongside our cohorts: to grow, develop, and change as we listen and respond to their needs. In short, we embody the maxim that learning is in the doing—and we want to learn too! More…